Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had such a blast on Halloween...unfortunately Ted had to work (of course) but Talia and I visited Truman's school for a costume parade, and then afterwards we came home and handed out candy for awhile before trick-or-treating ourselves. The kids had much, much MUCH more stamina this year. We were out for over an hour, and as anyone in this area knows, the weather was so fantastic. No layers required!

Up until the week prior to Halloween, Truman insisted he wanted to be "Bee Mario." For those of you who don't know (which is probably 95%) Super Mario Galaxy has a special Bee Mushroom that turns Mario into a little bee. However, he changed his mind the week before and just went "regular" Mario. Last year Talia was Luigi to Truman's Mario, but this year she was Princess Peach. As we were trick or treating, it seemed that most dads knew exactly who they were, but the under-18-set weren't as with it!

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