Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This summer, Truman spent a blistering hot week at soccer camp. My goal was to prepare him for the actual soccer season. I thought things were ok, as he seemed to like soccer camp most of the time. Unfortunately, about week 2 of the season, Truman decided he really, truly, deeply despised soccer. Well, Ted and I put on our parent hats and explained to him that he was committed to sticking out the season. You know the speech...his teammates were counting on him, he was expected to finish, etc. etc. We also faced the fact that Truman isn't ready for team sports that required constant motion and running, and also that his attention span when it comes to sports is all of a millisecond. We had an inkling of this in t-ball in the spring but there is no downtime in soccer, especially when your team only has 6 players! Regardless, the kids were cute and we suffered through it all. Truman was ecstatic when it was over...and honestly, so were we! It was hard to force him to participate in something that he really didn't enjoy. I do have to say, he had one shining moment toward the end of the season when he had an awesome block when he was playing goalie...I wish I had it on video! Regardless, there were some good moments...